This page is intended for:
I strongly recommend the use of a tool such as Poedit when editing translation files. Far more reliable than editing by hand if you're making lots of changes!
ZendTo handles multiple languages using a system called "gettext". This is widely documented on-line.
You edit a (text) file ending in ".po" using a tool such as Poedit (or a text editor if you must). This ".po" file contains the original version and the translated version of every word or phrase used in ZendTo. Any "translated versions" that are missing or blank don't do any harm, ZendTo will just use the "original version" instead. So if you are working in US English (ZendTo's original language), and want to just change a few things, you only need provide "translations" (i.e. your new text) for the entries you wish to change. Leave the others blank/empty.
That (text) ".po" file is then compiled into a binary ".mo" file. You cannot edit or read the ".mo" file. This is the file the web server uses to translate ZendTo as it is used.
All the tools needed are present on your ZendTo server:
All the translation files are stored under /opt/zendto/config/locale. In here, there is
It's difficult to translate words or phrases when you do not know the context in which they are being used. The searchable table below gives hints about the context of most of the translation strings.
It also describes exactly what is put in any placeholder (such as "%1" or "%s") that you will find in some of the translation strings.
%1 is a service to make it easy for you to move files, including large files up to %2, in and out of the %3. |
Used in the information section at the bottom of the main menu page. %1 = service name (eg. ZendTo) taken from zendto.conf %2 = max size (eg. 20 GB) %3 = organization type (e.g University) taken from zendto.conf |
Library | The type of a file that was picked from the "library of files" feature. It means the file is a library file, rather than one that the user uploaded in their drop-off. |
Failed to read anything from loginlog | This is an internal system database error. For some reason, the database code failed to read any data from the "loginlog" table, which is where current logins are stored. |
left |
OBSOLETE — no longer used. Used in the length counters just below the "Note" boxes in the new-dropoff and send-a-request forms. The string appears something like "357/1000 left" which means the user has 357 characters to go before they reach the maximum length of the note, which is 1000 characters in this case. |
Sorry, I failed to drop-off your files! |
Line 1 of the alert box displayed when a drop-off failed. Line 2 starts with "Note that you cannot" |
Note that you cannot drop-off directories, only files. |
Line 2 of the alert box displayed when a drop-off failed. Line 1 starts with "Sorry, I failed to" |
Unable to remove drop-off %s using passcode %s |
The 1st %s is the Claim ID of the drop-off. The 2nd %s is the Passcode of the drop-off. |
I do not think you are a real person. | Used when the user fails to pass the CAPTCHA test to prove they're not a robot. |
Are you a real person? | Used when the user fails to pass the CAPTCHA test to prove they're not a robot. |
Test failed | Used when the user fails to pass the CAPTCHA test to prove they're not a robot. |
Request Code Used | The "Request Code" the user entered was valid, but it has already been used (and they can only be used once). |
Unable to re-send the drop-off %s. | %s is the drop-off's Claim ID. |
Verify Error | The title of an error message displayed when we failed to verify the user was real and logged in. |
Could not open MySQL database on %s | %s is the hostname of the database server. |
Failed to add login record | An internal database error could cause this. |
Failed to delete login records | An internal database error could cause this. |
Failed to BEGIN transaction block while updating regexps | An internal database error could cause this. |
Failed to ROLLBACK after aborting deletion of old regexps | An internal database error could cause this. |
Failed to delete old regexps | An internal database error could cause this. |
Failed to ROLLBACK after aborting addition of regexp | An internal database error could cause this. |
Failed to add regexp | An internal database error could cause this. |
Aborting adding user %s as that user already exists |
You tried to add a new local user, but that user already existed. Can be shown when running "/opt/zendto/bin/adduser". %s is the username. |
Failed to BEGIN transaction block while adding user %s |
An internal database error could cause this. %s is the username. |
Failed to ROLLBACK after aborting addition of user %s |
An internal database error could cause this. %s is the username. |
Failed to add user %s |
An internal database error could cause this. %s is the username. |
Aborting deleting user %s as that user does not exist |
You tried to delete a local user with deleteuser, but that user did not exist. %s is the username. |
Aborting updating user %s as that user does not exist |
You tried to update a local user (change their password?), but that user did not exist. %s is the username. |
Failed to update password for user %s |
A password update for a local user failed. %s is the username. |
LDAP Error | Something internal failed when trying to talk to an LDAP or Active Directory authentication server. |
Authorization Failed | Either an LDAP or Active Directory server failed to successfully authenticate the user trying to login. |
Please notify the system administrator. | Appears a lot in error messages displayed to the user when something nasty (and probably internal) happened, that the user cannot rectify themselves but need to report to their IT staff instead. |
%d bytes |
The size of a very small file less than 1024 bytes in size. %d is the file size in bytes. |
%.1f KB |
The size of a file between 1Kbyte and 1Mbyte in size. %.1f is the file size in kilobytes (1024 bytes = 1KB). |
%.1f MB |
The size of a file between 1Mbyte and 1Gbyte in size. %.1f is the file size in megabytes (1024 KB = 1MB). |
%.1f GB |
The size of a file between 1Gbyte and 1Tbyte in size. %.1f is the file size in megabytes (1024 MB = 1GB). |
%.1f TB |
The size of a file larger than 1Tbytes in size. %.1f is the file size in terabytes (1024 GB = 1TB). |
The preferences are not configured properly! | Internal error, probably caused by a screwed up preferences.php file. |
Invalid Configuration | Internal error, probably caused by a screwed up preferences.php file. |
Could create ZendTo database handle | An internal database error could cause this. |
Authentication Error | Heading of the error message displayed when a user fails to input a matching username and password. |
The preferences are not configured properly (they're empty)! | Internal error, it thinks there are no preferences set in preferences.php at all. |
Mail Error | The error title used when the system failed to send an email it was trying to send. |
Could not write to log file %s, ensure that web server user can write to the log file as set in preferences.php |
Internal error. The user the web server is running as (usually apache or httpd) cannot write to the ZendTo log file. %s is the full path of the log file. |
Configuration Error | Internal error, probably caused by a screwed up preferences.php file. |
The username or password was incorrect. | The actual text displayed when the user fails to enter a matching valid username and password. All password authentication errors produce exactly the same result to the user, that is by design so as not to give away information to people trying to break in. |
Could not read local domain list file %s |
Failed to read the list of all the "internal" domain names, which is usually stored in /opt/zendto/internaldomains.conf. This file can be used as an easier alternative to writing a regexp of all your valid "internal" domain names in the preferences.php file. %s is the full path of the internaldomains.conf file. |
You must provide a value for the following preference key: '%s' |
Some preferences.php keys are mandatory. You have failed to set one that is mandatory. %s is the name of the key. |
iUndefined Preference Key | You have set a preferences.php key it doesn't know about. |
One of the recipients | This is used when the email address of the recipient is not used. It can appear as the start of "One of the recipients has picked up your drop-off!" and similar such cases. In the list of pick-ups for a drop-off in a user's Outbox, it appears on its own instead of the email address of the user who picked up the files, when their address isn't known. |
%s has picked up your drop-off! |
Send to users in the email notification that someone has picked up their drop-off. %s is the email address of the recipient if known, else "One of the recipients". |
%s has dropped off a file for you |
Used in the email notification to a drop-off recipient when there is exactly 1 file in the drop-off. See "%s has dropped off files for you" for the plural version. %s is the name of the person who sent the drop-off. |
%s has dropped off files for you |
Used in the email notification to a drop-off recipient when there is more than 1 file in the drop-off. See "%s has dropped off a file for you" for the singular version. %s is the name of the person who send the drop-off. |
%d days |
Used in lots of places referring to the length of time a recipient has to pick-up their files, when there is more than 1 day remaining. See "1 day" for the singular version. %d is the number of days remaining |
1 day | Used in lots of places referring to the length of time a recipient has to pick-up their files, when there is exactly 1 day remaining. See "%d days" for the plural version. |
%d hours |
Used in lots of places referring to the length of time a recipient has to pick-up their files, when there is less than 1 day but more than 1 hour remaining. See "1 hour" for the singular version. %d is the number of hours remaining |
1 hour | Used in lots of places referring to the length of time a recipient has to pick-up their files, when there is less than or equal to 1 hour remaining. See "%d hours" for the plural version. |
Upload Error | The title of the error displayed when the user's upload of files failed for any reason. |
There appears to be more than 1 drop-off with that claim ID. | This should never happen! Caused by a database problem if it does. |
Invalid Claim ID | The title of the error displayed if a user attempted to use a Claim ID that doesn't exist. |
The recipient email address '%s' is invalid. |
The user entered an email address for a recipient, and that address did not match the regexp defined in preferences.php that is used to verify email addresses. %s is the email address they tried to enter. |
Return to the %s main menu to log in and then try again. | %s is defined in zendto.conf as "ServiceTitle", shipped default is "ZendTo". |
You must specify all recipients' email addresses in the form. | In a new drop-off, the user has managed to omit the email address of one of the recipients. |
There was an error while uploading '%s'. | %s is the name of the file the user was trying to upload. |
The recipients file size exceeds the size limit (the maximum is %s). |
If a CSV file listing many recipients is uploaded and is too big, this is shown. %s is the maximum allowed, eg. "25 MB". |
The server was not configured with a temporary folder for uploads. | Internal error, PHP wasn't told where to put uploaded files. See php.ini. |
You must choose at least one file to drop-off. | The user attempted to make a new drop-off with 0 files in it. |
The file '%s' was too large. Each dropped-off file may be at most %s. |
The 1st %s is the name of the file the user tried to upload. The 2nd %s is the maximum allowed size of a file in a drop-off (formatted like "27 KB"). |
No file was actually dropped-off. | They tried to drop-off a non-existant file. |
The total size of the dropped-off files exceeds the maximum for a single drop-off. Altogether, a single drop-off can be at most %s. | %s is the maximum size of an entire drop-off (formatted like "20 GB"). |
A unique directory to contain your dropped-off files could not be created. | Internal error, usually caused by incorrect file permissions on /var/zendto/dropoffs. |
Could not add recipients to the database. | Internal error, probably database permissions problem. |
Trouble while attempting to save the information for '%s'. |
Internal error, probably database permissions problem. %s is the filename of the Library file that the user wanted to send to the recipients. |
It looks like your drop-off failed due to lack of free space on the server. It only has %s left. |
If the user's drop-off upload failed, and the free space available on the server can be worked out and it is less than the maximum size of 1 drop-off, this is shown to the user, along with a request to tell their IT staff. %s is the disk space available, formatted like "50 GB". |
Trouble while attempting to drop '%s' into its drop-off directory. |
Internal error. Failed to move the user's uploaded file from the temporary directory (as defined in php.ini) to the main dropoffs storage directory. %s is the user's filename. |
Unable to add a drop-off record to the database. | An internal database error could cause this. |
Unable to begin database transaction. | An internal database error could cause this. |
Unable to connect to any of the authentication servers; could not authenticate user. | None of the LDAP authentication servers could be reached, so authentication failed for the user's login attempt. |
0 bytes | Used in lots of places to give the size of a file or free disk space, when the value is exactly 0 bytes. |
1 byte | Used in lots of places to give the size of a file or free disk space, when the value is exactly 1 byte. |
This form cannot be called like this, please return to the main menu. | The user tried to do something nasty to one of the web forms, so needs to start over and keep their mucky paws off things like the Back button. |
Internal Error | The is the title of the error used when something nasty happened. |
Database failure writing request information. | Internal error, probably a database permissions problem. |
Could not create the new database. | Displayed when ZendTo cannot find its SQLite database, had tried to create a new one, and has failed to do so. Probably a permission problems in /var/zendto. |
Could not create the tables in the new database. | Displayed when ZendTo has failed to create the tables in the new SQLite database. |
Could not open the database. | ZendTo could not read the SQLite database file. Probably a permissions problem in /var/zendto. |
Database Error creating %s table |
Internal error when it couldn't write to the SQLite database. %s is the internal name of the database table. |
You are trying to drop off some files | Used in the Subject: line of the email message to a user who has not (or cannot) logged in, wants to drop-off some files, and is verifying that they really own the email address they say they are using. It's the email address verification email Subject: line, with the EmailSubjectTag put on the front as set in zendto.conf. |
About the %1 Service... |
Heading of the "about" web page. %1 is the name of the service as set in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. |
There are two distinct kinds of users that will be accessing the %1 system: inside users, who are associated with the %2 running the service, and outside users, which encompasses the rest of the Internet. |
Used in the "about" web page. %1 is the name of the service as set in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. |
drop-off | Used in the "about" web page at the start of the definition of what a drop-off is. It's the word that the definition defines. All lower-case. Search "one or more files" to find the actual definition text itself. |
one or more files uploaded to %1 as a single item for delivery to a person or people | Used in the "about" web page as the actual definition of what a drop-off is. Does *not* start with a capital letter as it is not the start of a sentence. See the string "drop-off" for the keyword of the definition. |
Attach each file individually on the drop-off page | One of the two ways in which a user can drop-off multiple files at once. |
Archive and compress the files into a single package and attach the resulting archive file on the drop-off page. | One of the two ways in which a user can drop-off multiple files at once. |
Windows users can create a \"compressed folder\" or use %1 |
Used in the "about" web page as a tip for Windows users wanting to drop-off lots of files at 1 time. %1 is 'FavouriteWindowsZip' as set in zendto.conf, '7-Zip' by default. |
Linux/Unix users could try \"PeaZip\" or \"File Roller\" | Used in the "about" web page as a tip for Linux users wanting to drop-off lots of files at 1 time. |
Creating a Drop-off | Section title used in the "about" web page. |
Making a Pick-up | Section title used in the "about" web page. |
The list of files that were uploaded | Used in the "about" page. One of the things the user sees when viewing a drop-off. |
The sender and recipient information that the sender entered when the drop-off was created | Used in the "about" page. One of the things the user sees when viewing a drop-off. |
The computer name and/or address from which the drop-off was created | Used in the "about" page. One of the things the user sees when viewing a drop-off. |
Optionally a list of pick-ups that have been made | Used in the "about" page. One of the things the user sees when viewing a drop-off. |
The recipient has %1 days to pick-up the files. Each night, drop-offs that are older than %1 days are removed from the system. |
Used in the "about" page. %1 is the number of days a drop-off can be picked up before it expires and is auto-deleted, as defined in preferences.php. |
Resumable Downloading of Files | Section title used in the "about" web page. |
Size Limitations on Uploads | Section title used in the "about" web page. |
The %1 software itself has configurable limits on the amount of data that can be uploaded in a single drop-off. Even for browsers that support uploads larger than 2 GB, drop-off may not exceed %2 per file, or %3 total for the entire drop-off. |
Used in the "about" web page. %1 is the ServiceTitle in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. %2 is the max file of a file in a drop-off (formatted like "6 GB"). %3 is the max total size of a drop-off (formatted like "25 GB"). |
Your browser reports a bad or broken connection after downloading a significant portion of the file | Used in the "about" web page, one of the possible symptoms a user might see when things go wrong downloading a drop-off. |
An error page is displayed that indicates you dropped off no files | Used in the "about" web page, one of the possible symptoms a user might see when things go wrong downloading a drop-off. |
then you are most likely connected to the Internet via a connection too slow to move the amount of data in a timely fashion. Your computer normally has at most 2 hours to fully send or receive a drop-off. | Used in the "about" web page, a likely reason why a download would fail. It is not the start of a sentence, and so does not start with a capital letter. |
Version %1 has been developed by %2. |
Used at the foot of every page and email. %1 is the version number set in prefernces.php. %2 is the entire HTML of a mailto: link that points to me! |
Claim ID | Used as the label for all "Claim ID" boxes and table columns. |
Claim Passcode | Used as the label for all "Passcode" boxes and table columns. |
Pick-up Files | Text in the button that does this. |
The drop-off with claim ID %1 was successfully removed. |
Used when just deleted a drop-off. %1 is the claim ID of the drop-off. |
Unable to remove the drop-off %1. |
Used when just failed to delete a drop-off because of an error. %1 is the claim ID of the drop-off. |
This is an automated message sent to you by the %1 service. |
Used at the very start of every email sent by the system. %1 is the ServiceTitle as set in zendto.conf, default is "ZendTo". |
This is a reminder about a drop-off sent to you, that no one has picked up. | Used near the start of emails sent out about uncollected drop-offs that are about to expire. See 'warnDaysBeforeDeletion' in preferences.php. |
The drop-off will expire in %1 after which it will be automatically deleted. |
Used in emails sent out about new drop-offs, or ones about to expire. %1 is the time before deletion, formatted like "14 days" or "23 hours" or "1 day". |
%1 (%2) has dropped off a file for you. |
Used in emails sent about new drop-offs, when the drop-off contains exactly 1 file. %1 is the sender's name. %2 is the sender's email address. |
%1 (%2) has dropped off %3 files for you. |
Used in emails sent about new drop-offs, when the drop-off contains more than 1 file. %1 is the sender's name. %2 is the sender's email address. %3 is the number of files in the drop-off. |
You have %1 to retrieve the drop-off; after that the link above will expire. |
Used in emails sent about new drop-offs. %1 is the time left before the drop-off is auto-deleted, formatted like "14 days" or "1 day" or "12 hours". |
If you wish to contact the sender, just reply to this email. | Used in emails sent about new drop-offs. |
The sender has left you a note: | Used in emails sent about new drop-offs. Placed just above the contents of the "Note" field of the drop-off. |
Full information about the drop-off: | Used in emails sent about new drop-offs. Placed just above the list of all the info about the drop-off, including its files. |
Sent separately | Used in emails sent about new drop-offs. Replaces the drop-off's Passcode when the sender has chosen not to include that in the email, so anyone intercepting the email cannot retrieve the file. |
Date of Drop-off | Used in emails sent about new drop-offs. The label for the date and time the drop-off was created. |
Name | The label for the real name of a sender. |
Organization | The label for the name of the organization the person belongs to. |
Email Address | Used in emails about new drop-offs. Label for the email address of the sender. |
IP Address | Used in emails about new drop-offs. Label for the IP address of the sender. |
File | Used in emails about new drop-offs. Heading for the details of the only file in the drop-off. See "Files" for the plural version. |
Files | Used in emails about new drop-offs. Heading for the details of the multiple files in the drop-off. See "File" for the singular version. |
Description | Used in emails and the web interface as the label for the description a sender entered next to the file in their drop-off. |
Size | Used in emails and the web interface as the label for the size of a file. The actual size will be presented nicely as "5.6 MB" or similar, not just a raw number of bytes. |
Content Type | Used in emails and the web interface as the label for the MIME type of a dropped-off file, as determined by the ZendTo server. |
a file | Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off in the line "%1 (%2) has dropped off %3 for you." when the drop-off contains exactly 1 file. |
%1 files |
Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off in the line "%1 (%2) has dropped off %3 for you." when the drop-off contains more than 1 file. %1 is the number of files in the drop-off. |
%1 (%2) has dropped off %3 for you. |
Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off. %1 is the sender's name. %2 is the sender's email address. %3 is either "file" or "%1 files". |
You have %1 to retrieve the drop-off; after that the link above will expire. If you wish to contact the sender, just reply to this email. |
Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off. %1 is the time before the drop-off expires, formatted like "14 days" or "1 day" or "12 hours". |
Claim ID: %1 |
Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off. Note the spacing so the Claim ID, Passcode and other information in the table line up nicely when viewed in a monospace font. %1 is the claim id of the drop-off. |
Claim Passcode: %1 |
Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off. Note the spacing so the Claim ID, Passcode and other information in the table line up nicely when viewed in a monospace font. %1 is the passcode of the drop-off, or else the string "Sent separately". |
Date of Drop-Off: %1 |
Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off. Note the spacing so the Claim ID, Passcode and other information in the table line up nicely when viewed in a monospace font. %1 is the date and time the drop-off was created. |
Sender | Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off, and also the the column heading in the table of drop-offs in a user's Inbox or Outbox. |
Name: %1 |
Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off. Note the spacing so the Claim ID, Passcode and other information in the table line up nicely when viewed in a monospace font. %1 is the real name of the sender. |
Organization: %1 |
Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off. Note the spacing so the Claim ID, Passcode and other information in the table line up nicely when viewed in a monospace font. %1 is the name of the sender's organization. |
Email Address: %1 |
Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off. Note the spacing so the Claim ID, Passcode and other information in the table line up nicely when viewed in a monospace font. %1 is the email address of the sender. |
IP Address: %1 %2 |
Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off. Note the spacing so the Claim ID, Passcode and other information in the table line up nicely when viewed in a monospace font. %1 is the IP address the sender used. %2 is the corresponding hostname, if known. |
Description: %1 |
Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off. Note the spacing so the Claim ID, Passcode and other information in the table line up nicely when viewed in a monospace font. %1 is the description the sender gave the file. |
Size: %1 |
Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off. Note the spacing so the Claim ID, Passcode and other information in the table line up nicely when viewed in a monospace font. %1 is the size of the file (formatted nicely like "57.8 KB"). |
Content Type: %1 |
Used in text-only version of the email about a new drop-off. Note the spacing so the Claim ID, Passcode and other information in the table line up nicely when viewed in a monospace font. %1 is the MIME type of the file, as determined by the ZendTo server. |
All | Used in the drop-down lists that seet how many drop-offs are listed on each "page" in the Inbox and Outbox. The other options are 10, 25, 50. This setting makes it show all the available records in 1 (long?) page. |
First | The label used for the "jump to the 1st page" button in the tables in the Inbox and Outbox. |
Previous | The label used for the "jump to the previous page" button in the tables in the Inbox and Outbox. |
Next | The label used for the "jump to the next page" button in the tables in the Inbox and Outbox. Also used in the web interface for buttons that take the user to the next step of making a new drop-off or verifying themselves. |
Last | The label used for the "jump to the last page" button in the tables in the Inbox and Outbox. |
Recipient | The column heading for the recipients of each drop-off in the Outbox. |
Created | The column heading for the creation date of each drop-off in the Inbox and Outbox. |
Outbox | The text used in the menu tabs to refer to the user's Outbox. |
Copyright © %1 |
Used in the footer of web pages and emails as part of the copyright message. %1 is the year (eg. 2018). |
About %1 |
Used in the footer of web pages and emails. %1 is the ServiceTitle defined in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. |
Version %1 |
Used in the footer of web pages. %1 is the ZendTo version number as defined in preferences.php, such as "5.00". |
you are currently logged in as %1 |
Used in the footer of web pages. %1 is the full name of the currently logged in used. |
Return to the %1 main menu | %1 is the ServiceTitle as defined in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. |
Logout | The text shown in the logout tab. |
%1 Username |
Used on the login pages where it prompts the user for their username. %1 is the OrganizationShortName defined in zendto.conf, "Southampton" by default. |
Password | Used on the login pages where it prompts the user for their password. |
Home | The text shown in the Home tab. |
Inbox | The text shown in the Inbox tab |
Login | The text shown in the Login tab, and also in the main menu button for a remote user to login to the service. |
Please login above. | Shown on the login page where the "mini login" bar is shown instead of the full page. |
Authentication | Displayed next to a padlock icon on the full login page, as the title above the username and password prompts. |
You have been logged out. | Displayed when they have clicked the Logout button. |
You will be redirected to the main menu in a moment. |
Displayed on the logout page. %1 is the URL of the main menu. |
Last %1 lines of %2 log, most recent first |
Displayed at the top of the admin's "View the log" page. %1 is the number of log lines shown. %2 is the ServiceTitle defined in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. |
Drop-off | The text shown in the main menu button. |
Pick-up | The text shown in the main menu button. |
Request a Drop-off | The text shown in the main menu button. |
Show All Drop-offs | The text shown in the main menu button, visible to Admins only. |
Unlock Users | The text shown in the main menu button, visible to Admins only. |
System Statistics | The text shown in the main menu button, visible to Admins only. |
System Log | The text shown in the main menu button, visible to Admins only. |
You may perform the following activities: | Text used on the main menu page, above what the user can do now, based on whether they have logged in or not. |
Drop-off (upload) a file for someone else. | Text used on the main menu page, next to the "Drop-off" button. |
Ask another person to send you some files. | Text used on the main menu page, next to the "Request a Drop-off" button. |
Pick-up (download) a file dropped-off for you. | Text used on the main menu page, next to the "Pick-up" button. |
View log file | Text used on the main menu page, admins only, next to the "System Log" button. |
If you are a %1 user, you may login here: |
Text used on the main menu page when the user has not logged in, above the Login button. %1 is the OrganizationShortName defined in zendto.conf, "Southampton" by default. |
Avoid having to verify your email address, and drop-off " "files to non-%1 users. |
Text used on the main menu page when the user has not logged in, next to the Login button. %1 is the OrganizationShortName defined in zendto.conf, "Southampton" by default. |
Anyone may perform the following activities: | Text used on the main menu page above the list of buttons that anyone can use, whether they are logged in or not. |
Drop-off (upload) a file for a %1 user (email verification " "required). |
Text used next to the Drop-off button when the user has not logged in. %1 is the OrganizationShortName defined in zendto.conf, "Southampton" by default. |
%1 users: you may login with your username and password and send files to anyone, in or out of the %2 |
Text used on the main menu to help people who can log in. %1 is OrganizationShortName defined in zendto.conf, "Southampton" by default. %2 is OrganizationShortType defined in zendto.conf, "University" by default. |
Non-%1 users: you cannot log in, but can still send files to %1 users if you know their email address. Start by clicking the \"%3\" button. |
Text used on the main menu to help people who cannot log in. %1 is OrganizationShortName defined in zendto.conf, "Southampton" by default %2 is "Drop-off". %3 is "Drop-off" with <em> tags around it to italicise or emphasize it. |
%1 users who wish someone outside the %2 to send them files, can make it a lot easier for them by logging in and clicking \"%3\". That saves the other person having to prove who they are. |
Text used on the main menu to encourage internal users to log in and send the external user a request for files. %1 is the OrganizationShortName defined in zendto.conf, "Southampton" by default. %2 is the OrganizationShortType defined in zendto.conf, "University" by default %3 is the text in the "Request a Drop-off" button. |
%1 is a service to make it easy for you to move files, including large files up to %2, in and out of the %3. |
Main menu page text for information. %1 is the ServiceTitle defined in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. %2 is the max size of a drop-off, formatted like "50 GB". %3 is the OrganizationShortType defined in zendto.conf, "University" by default. |
How secure is %1? |
Link text on main menu page, and heading of security info page. %1 is the ServiceTitle defined in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. |
Files are automatically deleted from %1 %2 days after you upload them. |
Information text on the main menu page. %1 is the ServiceTitle defined in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. %2 is the number of days before any drop-off expires. |
too long |
OBSOLETE: This value is no longer used. Used in the character counter underneath the "Note" field when the note is longer than the maximum length allowed, preceded by the number of characters, eg. "17 too long" means the Note is 17 characters longer than the limit. |
Click to Add Files or Drag Them Here | Button text used on new-dropoff form when the browser supports drag-and-drop. |
If you leave this page, you will abandon this drop-off. | Warning shown when user tries to navigate away from the new drop-off form while an upload is in progress. |
MB | Used on the new-dropoff form, follows the file's size in megabytes (1024 bytes = 1KB, 1024 KB = 1 MB). |
KB | Used on the new-dropoff form, follows the file's size in kilobytes (1024 bytes = 1KB). |
Remove file | The tool-tip displayed when the user hovers over the "remove this file from my new drop-off" button at the right end of each file in the new-dropoff form. |
Remove selected recipient | The tool-tip displayed when the user hovers over the "delete this recipient" button at the right of each recipient in the new-dropoff form. |
Please add at least one file first! | Displayed in an alert box if the user tries to submit the new-dropoff form without having added any files. |
Please add at least one recipient first! | Displayed in an alert box if the user tries to submit the new-dropoff form without having added any recipients. |
Your files are larger than the maximum total size you can send in one drop-off (__MAXTOTALSIZE__). |
Displayed in an alert box if the user tries to submit a new drop-off that is too big. __MAXTOTALSIZE__ is the max size of a drop-off, formatted like "50 GB". |
File __NUMBER__ is larger than the maximum file size you can send in a drop-off (__MAXFILESIZE__). |
Displayed in an alert box if the user tries to submit a new drop-off containing a file that is too big. __NUMBER__ is the number of the file shown in the list of files on the form. __MAXFILESIZE__ is the max size of any file in a drop-off, formatted like "500 MB". |
PLEASE NOTE | Text displayed at top of red box at top of new-dropoff form, immediately above the warning about scanning for viruses and so on. |
Files uploaded to %1 are scanned for viruses. But still exercise the same degree of caution as you would with any other file you download. |
Text displayed in the red box at top of new-dropoff form. %1 is the ServiceTitle defined in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. |
This web page will allow you to drop-off (upload) one or more files for anyone (either a %1 user or others). The recipient will receive an automated email containing the information you enter below and instructions for downloading the file. Your IP address will also be logged and sent to the recipient for identity confirmation purposes. |
Explanatory text in the new-dropoff form, shown to users who have logged in. %1 is the OrganizationShortName defined in zendto.conf, "Southampton" by default. |
This web page will allow you to drop-off (upload) one or more files for a %1 user. The recipient will receive an automated email containing the information you enter below and instructions for downloading the file. Your IP address will also be logged and sent to the recipient for identity confirmation purposes. |
Explanatory text in the new-dropoff form, shown to users who have not logged in. %1 is the OrganizationShortName defined in zendto.conf, "Southampton" by default. |
From | Label for boxes showing or asking for the details of the sender. |
Send e-mail message to recipients | Used on new-dropoff form. Text next to 1st of the 3 checkboxes. Reading it flows naturally into the text of the 2nd one "which includes Passcode as well as Claim ID". |
which includes Passcode as well as Claim ID | Used on new-dropoff form. Text next to 2nd of the 3 checkboxes. Reading it flows naturally from the text of the 1st one "Send e-mail message to recipients". Note it is not the start of a sentence and so does not start with a capital letter. |
Add One | Text used in the "Add Recipient" pop-up on the new-dropoff form. Selectable between this and "Add Many". |
Add Many | Text used in the "Add Recipient" pop-up on the new-dropoff form. Selectable between this and "Add One". |
Label for boxes showing or asking for an email address. | |
Add Recipient | Button text used in the "Add One" version of the "Add Recipient" pop-up on the new-dropoff form. |
One recipient per line, for example: | Explanatory text used in the "Add Many" version of the "Add Recipient" pop-up on the new-dropoff form. |
Test User | Sample line given in explanatory text in the "Add Many" version of the "Add Recipient" pop-up on the new-dropoff form. |
Verify | Button text used in the "Add Many" version of the "Add Recipient" pop-up on the new-dropoff form. |
Short note to the Recipients | Label text used just above the "Note" box in the new-dropoff form. |
Add Files | Button text shown in new-dropoff form when browser does not support drag-and-drop. |
and/or select a file... | Used in the new-dropoff form. If the "Library of Files" feature is enabled, and the currently logged-in user has access to a library, the drop-down list of possible library files appears to the right of the "Add Files" button. This text is used as the default text in the drop-down, encouraging the user to choose a file listed in the drop-down menu. |
Filename | Label for column headings where the name of a file in a drop-off is shown. |
Scanning for viruses... | "Please wait" text shown at end of upload, while ZendTo server is processing the new drop-off. |
Uploaded: __PERCENT__% |
Text shown in pop-up box during upload process of a new drop-off. __PERCENT__ is the number of percent through the upload at the moment. |
Sorry, I failed to drop-off your files! | Line 1 of text shown in alert box when the upload of a new drop-off has failed. See "Note that you cannot drop-off directories, only files." for line 2. |
Note that you cannot drop-off directories, only files. | Line 2 of text shown in alert box when the upload of a new drop-off has failed. See "Sorry, I failed to drop-off your files!" for line 1. This is the most common cause, as some browsers provide no way to stop a user dragging directories into the new drop-off, nor detecting that this is what happened. |
Uploading... | Title of the pop-up box displayed while uploading of a new drop-off is in progress. |
Drop-off Files | Button text used in the button that starts the uploading of a new drop-off. |
Drop to Add Files | HTML displayed in the middle of the window when a user is dragging files into the a new drop-off they are creating. |
No file was chosen for download. | Text displayed when a user has tried to download a file, but data was missing from their "GET" request so the particular file could not be identified. |
The drop-off you made (claim ID: %1) has been picked-up. |
Used in email notifying senders that someone has picked up their drop-off. %1 is the drop-off's claim ID. |
The file \"%1\" was picked up. |
Used in email notifying senders that someone has picked up their drop-off, this is the name of the 1st file that was downloaded by the recipient. %1 is the filename that was picked up. |
%1 made the pick-up from %2. |
Used in email notifying senders that someone has picked up their drop-off, this says what IP address the pick-up was made from. %1 is the email address of the recipient who picked it up. %2 is either the IP address, or else the hostname (if known) followed by the IP address. |
The file %1 was picked up. |
Used in text-only email notifying senders that someone has picked up their drop-off, it tells the sender the name of the 1st file that was picked up. %1 is the filename that was picked up. |
Global Drop-off List | Heading of the page listing all drop-offs on the server (accessible to admins only). |
There are no drop-offs available at this time. | Informaton text shown on "Global Drop-off List" page when there are no drop-offs are on the server at all. |
There are no drop-offs available for you at this time. | Information text used in the user's Inbox list when it's empty. |
This is a request from %1. |
This is text used in the email sent when a logged-in user has sent a Request for a Drop-off. It is used when the user's "Organization" is blank. %1 is the name of the user who sent the request. |
This is a request from %1 of %2. |
This is text used in the email sent when a logged-in user has sent a Request for a Drop-off. %1 is the name of the user who sent the request. %2 is the name of the sender's organization. |
Please click on the link below and drop off the file or files I have requested. | This is text used in the email sent when a logged-in user has sent a Request for a Drop-off. |
More information is in the note below. | This is text used in the email sent when a logged-in user has sent a Request for a Drop-off. It is text placed before the "Note" field sent in the request. |
If you wish to contact %1, just reply to this email. |
This is text used in the email sent when a logged-in user has sent a Request for a Drop-off. %1 is the full name of the person who sent the request. |
Note | The label placed immediately above the contents of the "Note" field in a Request for a Drop-off, both on the Request form and in the emails sent as a result. |
The request for a Drop-off has been sent to %1 at %2. |
Information text shown when a Request for a Drop-off has been sent. %1 is the full name of the person receiving the request. %2 is the email address of the person receiving the request. |
If the recipient wants to send files to you before their request arrives, they should | Shown when a Request for a Drop-off has been sent. It is the text immediately above the bullet list of instructions explaining how the recipient can send files before the Request email reaches them. |
Go to %1 |
Shown when a Request for a Drop-off has been sent. Item 1 in the bullet list of instructions that start with "If the recipient wants to send files to you before their request arrives, they should". %1 is the URL of the ZendTo server. |
Select \"Drop-off Files\" | Shown when a Request for a Drop-off has been sent. Item 2 in the bullet list of instructions that start with "If the recipient wants to send files to you before their request arrives, they should". |
Enter the request code \"%1\" |
Shown when a Request for a Drop-off has been sent. Item 3 in the bullet list of instructions that start with "If the recipient wants to send files to you before their request arrives, they should". %1 is the Request Code string the user will need to enter when they create the drop-off. |
Click on the \"Next\" button | Shown when a Request for a Drop-off has been sent. Item 4 in the bullet list of instructions that start with "If the recipient wants to send files to you before their request arrives, they should". |
You may close this window. | Information text shown at the end of the "Request a Drop-off" process, and when the user has just been sent an email to prove they own the email address they claim to be using. Their next step is to wait for an email to arrive, in which there is a link to click on. |
Your note is too long! | Used in the "Request a Drop-off" form if the user tries to submit the request but their "Note" field is too long. |
To | Label for the recipient's name+email, used in table column headings and in the "Request a Drop-off" form. |
Email(s) | Label for the recipient's email address, used in the "Request a Drop-off" form. |
Subject | Label for the email subject line, used in the "Request a Drop-off" form. |
This will be sent to the recipient. It will also be included in the resulting drop-off sent to you. | Explanatory text shown above the "Note" field in the "Request a Drop-off" form. |
Send the Request | Button text used to send the request for a drop-off |
The drop-off was successfully re-sent to its recipients. | Information text shown after a drop-off has been successfully re-sent to its recipients. |
Unable to re-send the drop-off. | Information text shown after a drop-off has failed to be re-sent to its recipients. |
All files are transferred across the network securely encrypted | Information text displayed on the Security info page. |
All files uploaded and temporarily stored on %1 are held on equipment owned and operated at the %2's own Data Centre |
Information text displayed on the Security info page. %1 is the ServiceTitle defined in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. %2 is the ShortOrganizationType defined in zendto.conf, "University" by default. |
iAll files uploaded and temporarily stored on %1 are held on equipment owned and operated at the %2's own Data Centre |
Information text displayed on the Security info page. %1 is the ServiceTitle defined in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. %2 is the ShortOrganizationType defined in zendto.conf, "University" by default. |
All data is subject to the Data Protection regulations and laws of the %1 and the country |
Information text displayed on the Security info page. %1 is the ShortOrganizationType defined in zendto.conf, "University" by default. |
%1 is in no way a \"cloud\" service. Everything is stored (even temporarily) on equipment directly owned by the %2, and managed by its own IT staff |
Information text displayed on the Security info page. %1 is the ServiceTitle defined in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. %2 is the ShortOrganizationType defined in zendto.conf, "University" by default. |
All access to data is very tightly and strictly controlled by the %2. All accesses to data on %1 are logged and can be easily checked if you are ever concerned that a 3rd party might have gained access to your data |
Information text displayed on the Security info page. %1 is the ServiceTitle defined in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. %2 is the ShortOrganizationType defined in zendto.conf, "University" by default. |
Furthermore, uploaded data is only held on %1 for a maximum of %2 days, after which time it is automatically deleted. There is no \"undelete\" facility available at all. No backups are taken of the uploaded data (it's only a transitory stopping point), so no uploaded data ever moves off %1 itself onto other equipment or media such as backup tapes. After an uploaded file has been deleted, there is no way of recovering the file |
Information text displayed on the Security info page. %1 is the ServiceTitle defined in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. %2 is the number of days a drop-off will exist for before it expires and is auto-deleted. |
Do you really want to delete this dropoff? | Text of alert box shown when a user tries to delete a drop-off. |
Yes | Button label used where there is a Yes/No option. |
No | Button label used where there is a Yes/No option. |
Include Passcode? | Dialog box title used when user has clicked the "Resend Drop-off" button, and they are allowed to include the passcode in the same email as the Claim ID of the drop-off. |
Should the Passcode be included in the emails as well as the Claim ID? | Dialog box text used when user has clicked the "Resend Drop-off" button, and they are allowed to include the passcode in the same email as the Claim ID of the drop-off. |
Click '%1' if you are not sure. |
Dialog box text used when user has clicked the "Resend Drop-off" button, and they are allowed to include the passcode in the same email as the Claim ID of the drop-off. %1 is either "Yes" or "No" depending on the default setting DefaultEmailPasscode in preferences.php. |
Resend Dropoff | Button text used when the contents of a drop-off is shown and the user is allowed to re-send it if they want to. |
Delete Dropoff | Button text used when the contents of a drop-off is shown and the user is allowed to delete it if they want to. |
Drop-Off Summary | Heading text used when the contents of a drop-off is shown. |
Click on a filename to download that file. | Instruction text shown just above the list of files when the contents of a drop-off is shown, and the user is allowed to download any file in the drop-off. |
Type | Column heading used above column containing the MIME type of files in a drop-off. Used when showing the contents of a drop-off. |
No files in the dropoff... something is amiss! | Error message shown when showing the contents of a drop-off that apparently has no files in it, which isn't allowed. Can be displayed as the result of uploading a new drop-off if the server ran out of disk space or some other internal error occurred. |
%1 from %2 on %3 |
Shown as part of the details of a drop-off. %1 is the sender's full name followed by email address followed by organization. %2 is the IP address and/or hostname used to create the drop-off. %3 is the date the drop-off was created. |
Comments | The heading used for the "Note" attached to a drop-off when showing the contents of a drop-off. |
To send the file to someone else, simply send them this Claim ID and Passcode: | Information text shown at the end of the page, when showing the contents of a drop-off. The Claim ID and Passcode appear in a small text box immediately below it. |
Picked-up on date... | Column heading above the list of pick-ups of a drop-off, for the date it was picked up. |
...from remote address... | Column heading above the list of pick-ups of a drop-off, for the IP address it was picked up from. | recipient. | Column heading above the list of pick-ups of a drop-off, for the email address of the person who picked it up, if known. |
%1 pickups | Information text shown after the list of pick-ups of a drop-off, when there have been multiple pick-ups. See "1 pickup" for the singular version. |
1 pickup | Information text shown after the list of pick-ups of a drop-off, when there has been exactly 1 pick-up. See "%1 pickups" for the plural version. |
None of the files has been picked-up yet. | Information text shown instead of the list of pick-ups of a drop-off, when it has not been picked up at all. |
View stats for the | Text shown on the System Statistics page (admins only), just before the drop-down list of options such as "past week", "past year". |
past week | Text shown on the System Statistics page (admins only), one of the options in the drop-down to choose the set of graphs to display showing activity over different time periods. |
past month | Text shown on the System Statistics page (admins only), one of the options in the drop-down to choose the set of graphs to display showing activity over different time periods. |
past 90 days | Text shown on the System Statistics page (admins only), one of the options in the drop-down to choose the set of graphs to display showing activity over different time periods. |
past year | Text shown on the System Statistics page (admins only), one of the options in the drop-down to choose the set of graphs to display showing activity over different time periods. |
past 10 years | Text shown on the System Statistics page (admins only), one of the options in the drop-down to choose the set of graphs to display showing activity over different time periods. |
Number of drop-offs made (checked daily) | Text shown on the System Statistics page (admins only), one of the graph titles. |
Total amount of data dropped off (checked daily) | Text shown on the System Statistics page (admins only), one of the graph titles. |
Total files dropped off (checked daily) | Text shown on the System Statistics page (admins only), one of the graph titles. |
File count per drop-off (checked daily) | Text shown on the System Statistics page (admins only), one of the graph titles. |
Unlock | Used on the Unlock Users page (admins only), column heading above the column containing the check-boxes to choose which users to unlock. They are automatically locked out for a time if they have tried to login too many times recently, and all those attempts have failed. |
Select all | Used on the Unlock Users page (admins only), text shown next to a check-box at the bottom of the list of locked-out users, clicking it results in all "Unlock" check-boxes being ticked. |
Unlock selected users | Used on the Unlock Users page (admins only), button text to trigger the unlocking of the selected locked-out users. |
There are no locked users. | Used on the Unlock Users page (admins only), information text shown when there are no locked-out users. |
You have asked us to send you this message so that you can drop-off some files for someone. | Information text used in the email sent to confirm the identity of users who want to send a drop-off but who cannot (or have not) log in. |
IGNORE THIS MESSAGE IF YOU WERE NOT IMMEDIATELY EXPECTING IT! | Information text used in the email sent to confirm the identity of users who want to send a drop-off but who cannot (or have not) log in. |
Now wait for the email message from the %1 service to arrive and click on the link in it. |
Information text used in the email sent to confirm the identity of users who want to send a drop-off but who cannot (or have not) log in. %1 is the ServiceTitle defined in zendto.conf, "ZendTo" by default. |
You will be directed to the main menu in a moment. |
Information text shown when a "confirm your email address" email has just been sent. %1 is the URL of the ZendTo server. |
Your Request Code | Label text shown when the user is expected to enter the request code string they were sent as the result of a "Request a Drop-off". |
Request Code | Label text shown when the user is expected to enter the request code string they were sent as the result of a "Request a Drop-off". |
Information about the Sender | Label text used when the user has entered their request code string and are being shown who sent the request. |
Your name | Label text used when prompting for the user's full name. |
(required) | Shown to the right of a text entry box if the field is mandatory (such as name or email address). |
Your organization | Label text used when prompting for the user's organization name. |
Your email address | Label text used when prompting for the user's email address. |
I now need to send you a confirmation email. | Explanatory text shown when a user has to be sent an email confirming ownership of their email address. |
When you get it in a minute or two, click on the link in it. | Explanatory text shown when a user has just been sent an email confirming ownership of their email address. |
Send confirmation | Button text used to trigger the sending of an email confirming ownership of a user's email address. |
Add Recipients | Title text used in the pop-up box shown when adding a recipient's name and email address (or multiples of) to a new drop-off. |
Bulk add recipients | Default text presented in the text box where multiple recipient email addresses can be entered at once, whn creating a new drop-off. Cleared as soon as they paste in any content. |
__CHARSLEFT__ / __MAXLENGTH__ left |
Used in the length counters just below the "Note" boxes in the new-dropoff and send-a-request forms. It appears when there is room for more characters in the comment (ie. it is not too long). __CHARSLEFT__ is the number of characters left before the user hits the limit. __MAXLENGTH__ is the maximum allowed length of the Note. |
__CHARS__ too long |
Used in the length counters just below the "Note" boxes in the new-dropoff and send-a-request forms. It appears (in red) when the Note is longer than the maximum allowed length. __CHARS__ is the number of characters over the limit that the Note is at the moment. |
Search: | In any table that shows a list of drop-offs, the text immediately to the left of the Search box. |
Show _MENU_ entries |
In any table that shows a list of drop-offs, the text around the drop-down menu where the user can show how many drop-offs to list on each page. _MENU_ is where the drop-down menu is put. |
Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries |
In any table that shows a list of drop-offs, the text below the table that tells the user what table entries they are looking at. _START_ is the number of the first visible entry. _END_ is the number of the last visible entry. _TOTAL_ is the total number of entries that could be seen right now, including any restrictions due to the contents of the Search box. |
Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries | In any table that shows a list of drop-offs, the text below the table that tells the user what table entries they are looking at, in the specific case where there are no entries to be shown. Usually as a result of entering a search string that cannot be found. |
(filtered from _MAX_ total entries) |
In any table that shows a list of drop-offs, the text immediately to the right of the "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries" text, when the Search box is not empty, and so the visible entries are a subset of the total entries that could be displayed if the Search box was empty. _MAX_ is the maximum number of entries in the table, if the Search box was empty. |
No matching records found | In any table that shows a list of drop-offs, the text that tells the user that their entry in the Search box produced no results. |
No data available in table | In any table that shows a list of drop-offs, the text tells the user the table is totally empty. |
You must be logged in as a %1$s user in order to drop-off a file for a non-%1$s user. |
Shown when an external user attempts to send a drop-off to another external user. %1%s is the organization short name. |
Not calculated | Shown in place of a checksum if/when the checksum was not calculated. |
SHA-256 Checksum | Used as a column header when the checksum is displayed on the drop-off summary. |
SHA-256 Checksum: %1 |
Used in text portion of email to show the value of the checksum. %1 is the checksum string. |
It will take too long to calculate the checksum of your drop-off. | Line 1 of alert box shown when the user requests checksums in a drop-off that is larger than the set limit. |
Only drop-offs up to a maximum of __MAXSIZE__ can be checksummed. |
Line 2 of alert box shown when the user requests checksums in a drop-off that is larger than the set limit. __MAXSIZE__ is replaced with the limit, eg '200 MB'. |
Calculate SHA-256 checksum of each file | Used in new drop-off form next to tickbox for user to request checksums. |
Unlocked %s. |
Used on the Unlock Users page for administrators only. Shows the username(s) that were unlocked. %s is replaced with a comma-separated list of usernames. |
Unknown user | Used on the Unlock Users page for administrators only. Shown if a locked username is no longer known to ZendTo. |
The request created will be valid for %1. |
Used in the main menu and "Request a drop-off" pages. Shows the user the lifetime of a request code. %1 is replaced with the code's lifetime, eg '4 days'. |
The link is only valid for %1 from the time of this email. |
Used in the email sent as a result of a user requesting a drop-off. Informs them of the lifetime of the drop-off link in the email. %1 is replaced with the code's lifetime, eg '4 days'. |
It is valid for %1. |
Used in the page shown after a request for a drop-off has been sent. Reminds the user of the lifetime of the link in the email and the code shown on-screen. %1 is replaced with the code's lifetime, eg '4 days'. |
%d days |
Used when showing the lifetime of a request for a drop-off. %d is replaced with the number of days (greater than 1). |
%1$d days and %2$d hours |
Used when showing the lifetime of a request for a drop-off. %1$d is replaced with the number of days (greater than 1). %2$d is replaced with the number of hours (greater than 1). |
%d hours |
Used when showing the lifetime of a request for a drop-off. %d is replaced with the number of hours (greater than 1). |
%1$d hours and %2$d minutes |
Used when showing the lifetime of a request for a drop-off. %1$d is replaced with the number of hours (greater than 1). %2$d is replaced with the number of minutes (greater than 1). |
%d minutes |
Used when showing the lifetime of a request for a drop-off. %d is replaced with the number of minutes (greater than 1). |
%1$d minutes and %2$d seconds |
Used when showing the lifetime of a request for a drop-off. %1$d is replaced with the number of minutes (greater than 1). %2$d is replaced with the number of seconds (greater than 1). |
%d second |
Used when showing the lifetime of a request for a drop-off. %d is replaced with the number of seconds (equal to 1). |
%d seconds |
Used when showing the lifetime of a request for a drop-off. %d is replaced with the number of seconds (greater than 1). |
Decrypting and downloading the file failed. You probably entered the passphrase incorrectly. Please try again. | Displayed as an error on pages allowing downloads of drop-offs, when the drop-off was encrypted and the passphrase entered would not allow decryption of the file. |
The drop-off was too large to encrypt, so it has been stored unencrypted. If this is not what you want, please immediately delete the drop-off from your Outbox. | Displayed immediately after uploading a new drop-off if, somehow, the drop-off was too large to be encrypted (larger than the limit set in preferences.php), despite the "new drop-off" form checks done before the upload was attempted. |
Drag-and-drop multiple files at once onto the drop-off page | Shown in the "About" page as the first entry in the list of ways to add files to a new drop-off. |
Click on the "Add Files" button on the drop-off page, and select 1 or more files at once using combinations of click, Shift+click and Ctrl+click (Cmd+click on a Mac) | Shown in the "About" page as the second entry in the list of ways to add files to a new drop-off. |
This service is powered by a copy of %1 | Shown at the very bottom of every page. Please do not change the destination of the link, it is all I can rely on to get new users! |
Privacy Consent | Shown in the tiny pop-up tab that may appear in the bottom left corner of the page just after the user agrees to ZendTo storing a cookie and using their name and email address. |
This website uses a cookie & has to use your name & email address to function. | Main text shown in the cookie/GDPR consent pop-up bar. |
I agree | Shown in the button in the consent pop-up bar indicating consent to accepting a cookie and using their email address and name. |
I do not agree | Shown in the button in the consent pop-up bar indicating refusal to accepting a cookie and using their email address and name. |
Too short! | Displayed (in red) in the new drop-off form's passphrase entry box, when the passphrase entered is shorter than the minimum length set in preferences.php. |
Entries do not match | Displayed (in red) in the new drop-off form's passphrase entry box, when the 2 copies of the passphrase entered are not the same. |
It will now take too long to encrypt your drop-off, so encryption has been disabled. If you want to encrypt your drop-off, reduce your drop-off below __MAXSIZE__ and select "Encrypt" again. |
Encryption is not a quick process. Displayed when user tries to encrypt a new drop-off that is larger than the size allowed in preferences.php. __MAXSIZE__ is the nicely-formatted value of the maximum size allowed for encryption. |
Encrypt every file | Shown in the new drop-off form next to the tick box that enables encryption of the drop-off. |
Encryption Passphrase | Title of the pop-up box asking for the user's chosen passphrase for encrypting the new drop-off. |
Passphrase | Shown in the pop-up box asking for the user's chosen passphrase, adjacent to the text entry box. |
And again | Shown in the pop-up box asking for the user's chosen passphrase, adjacent to the text entry box asking for a 2nd copy as confirmation. |
Hide characters | Shown in the pop-up box asking for the user's chosen passphrase, adjacent to the tick box that toggles between showing the actual characters of the passphrase and an obscured version (row of stars). |
OK | Shown in the pop-up box asking for the user's chosen passphrase, in the OK button which sets the passphrase. |
Cancel | Shown in the pop-up box asking for the user's chosen passphrase, in the Cancel button which cancels setting of the passphrase. |
Scanning | At the end of uploading a new drop-off, if anything is to be done except simple virus-scanning of the drop-off, this is used in a comma-separated list of what processing is being done on the user's new drop-off. |
Checksumming | At the end of uploading a new drop-off, if the drop-off is to have checksums calculated, this is used in a comma-separated list of what processing is being done on the user's new drop-off. |
Encrypting | At the end of uploading a new drop-off, if the drop-off is to be encrypted, this is used in a comma-separated list of what processing is being done on the user's new drop-off. |
Decryption Passphrase | Shown as the title of the pop-up dialog presented when a user attempts to download a file from an encrypted drop-off. |
This drop-off is encrypted with a passphrase known only to the sender. | Shown in the summary page displayed after a new drop-off has been successfully uploaded, if the drop-off has been encrypted. |
Decryption failed | If a user downloading a drop-off enters the wrong passphrase, this is the title of the error message displayed. |
There are several ways in which a user can drop-off multiple files at once: | Shown in the About page, at the top of the list of ways a user can send multiple files in the same drop-off. |
It will take too long to encrypt your drop-off. | Shown in the new drop-off form when a user wants to encrypt a drop-off bigger than the maximum size allowed in preferences.php. |
Only drop-offs up to a maximum of __MAXSIZE__ can be encrypted. |
The 2nd half of the error message show in the new drop-off form when a user wants to encrypt a drop-off bigger than the maximum size allowed in preferences.php. __MAXSIZE__ is replaced with a nicely-formatted version of the maximum size for encryption set in preferences.php. |
Download All Files | Shown in the button in the download drop-off page. Clicking it results in automatic download of all the files in the drop-off at once. |
Decrypting and downloading the file failed. You probably entered the passphrase incorrectly. Please try again. | Show as an error in the download drop-off page, when the drop-off was encrypted and the decryption failed because they entered the passphrase wrong. |
The drop-off was too large to encrypt, so it has been stored unencrypted. If this is not what you want, please immediately delete the drop-off from your Outbox. | This can be displayed after a new drop-off has been created, which was supposed to be encrypted but somehow the file avoided the JavaScript checks in the web browser that will catch files that would take too long to encrypt due to being too big. It should never appear. |
Drop-off not encrypted | This is the heading for the error message "The drop-off was too large to encrypt, so it has been stored unencrypted. If this is not what you want, please immediately delete the drop-off from your Outbox." |
%1$d days and %2$d hours |
Used to describe a length of time longer than 2 days. %1$d is replaced with the number of days. %2$d is replaced with the number of hours. |
%1$d hours and %2$d minutes |
Used to describe a length of time longer than 2 hours. %1$d is replaced with the number of hours. %2$d is replaced with the number of minutes. |
%d minutes |
Used to describe a length of time less than 2 hours. %d is replaced with the number of minutes. |
%1$d minutes and %2$d seconds |
Used to describe a length of time less than several minutes. %1$d is replaced with the number of minutes. %2$d is replaced with the number of seconds. |
%d second |
Used to describe a length of time equal to 1 second. %d is replaced with the number 1. |
%d seconds |
Used to describe a length of time less than 2 minutes. %d is replaced with the number of seconds. |
Drag-and-drop multiple files at once onto the drop-off page | Show on the "about" page where it lists the different ways in which multiple files can be added to a new drop-off at once. |
Click on the \"Add Files\" button on the drop-off page, and select 1 or more files at once using combinations of click, Shift+click and Ctrl+click (Cmd+click on a Mac) | Show on the "about" page where it lists the different ways in which multiple files can be added to a new drop-off at once. |
You may have already deleted it. | Shown when an attempt is made to delete a drop-off that has failed because the dorp-off no longer exists. |
This service is powered by a copy of %1 | Shown in the footer of every web page. Please do not change the address in the link, it is my only way of advertising ZendTo. |
Privacy Consent | Show in the "cookie consent" pop-up bar just after a choice has been made. |
This website uses a cookie & has to use your name & email address to function. | The main text shown in the "cookie consent" pop-up bar. |
I agree | The text shown in the "cookie consent" pop-up bar indicating a user agrees with the privacy notice. |
I do not agree | The text shown in the "cookie consent" pop-up bar indicating a user does not agree with the privacy notice. |
The request created will be valid for %1. |
Shown in the main menu and "request for a drop-off" pages showing the length of time the request will be valid for. %1 is replaced with the timespan in numbers and words. |
Too short! | Shown in the "new drop-off" form's encryption passphrase request box when the passphrase entered is shorter than the pre-set minimum set in preferences.php. |
Entries do not match | Shown in the "new drop-off" form's encryption passphrase request box when the 2 copies of the passphrase entered are not identical. |
It will take too long to encrypt your drop-off. | Shown in the first line of the alert box shown when encryption has been requested but the total size of the files in the new drop-off has exceeded the maximum size set in preferences.php. |
It will now take too long to encrypt your drop-off, so encryption has been disabled. If you want to encrypt your drop-off, reduce your drop-off below __MAXSIZE__ and select \"Encrypt\" again. | Shown in an alert box on the "new drop-off" page when encryption has been requested but the total size of the files in the new drop-off has just grown beyond the maximum size set in preferences.php. |
Adds to your address book | Shown as the hint in the "Add Recipient" dialog when creating a new drop-off, explaining to the user why they would want to enter a meaningful name and not just an e-mail address. |
Encryption Passphrase | Shown in the dialog requesting the user enter an encryption passphrase for a new drop-off. |
Passphrase | Shown in the dialog requesting the user enter an encryption passphrase for a new drop-off. It is the text to the left of the box requesting the first copy of the passphrase. |
And again | Shown in the dialog requesting the user enter an encryption passphrase for a new drop-off. It is the text to the left of the box requesting confirmation of the passphrase. |
Hide characters | Shown in the dialog requesting the user enter an encryption passphrase for a new drop-off. It is the text to the right of the checkbox that hides/shows the real contents of the passphrase as opposed to just being a row of stars/bullets. |
OK | Shown in dialog boxes to indicate a button where the user agrees to doing an action. |
Cancel | Shown in dialog boxes to indicate a button where the user wants to cancel an action. |
Encrypt every file | Shown in the "new drop-off" form next to the checkbox that enables encryption of the drop-off. |
Scanning | Shown in the upload progress bar after the data transfer itself has been completed. Indicates that, possibly among other things, the ZendTo server is virus-scanning their drop-off. |
Checksumming | Shown in the upload progress bar after the data transfer itself has been completed. Indicates that among other things, the ZendTo server is calculating the checksum of each file in their drop-off. |
Encrypting | Shown in the upload progress bar after the data transfer itself has been completed. Indicates that among other things, the ZendTo server is encrypting each file in their drop-off. |
The link is only valid for %1 from the time of this email. | Shown in email messages generated by the "request a drop-off" process, indicating the maximum length of time the link in the email is valid for. |
It is valid for %1. |
Shown to the user who has completed a "request a drop-off" form, indicating the length of time the request will be valid for. %s is replaced with the length of time in words and numbers. |
If you are sending personal or confidential data, tick \"Encrypt every file\" when creating a new drop-off. Then the passphrase you enter must be used when downloading the drop-off. The passphrase is not stored on %1, and cannot be recovered if lost. No one can access the files without it | Used in the "security" information page, advising users when and how to encrypt their files using ZendTo. |
Decryption Passphrase | Shown to a user attempting to download an encrypted drop-off. It is the heading of the dialog box requesting the passphrase. |
Your files have been sent successfully. | Show to a user who has just successfully sent a new drop-off, confirming that everything has worked. |
This drop-off is encrypted with a passphrase known only to the sender. | Show to a user who has just successfully sent a new drop-off, confirming that the drop-off is encrypted with a passphrase known only to themself. |
%1 file |
Used in various places to state that there is 1 file in the drop-off. %1 is replaced by the number 1. |
Copy link to clipboard | Used in the view of a drop-off available to logged-in users. It is the pop-up hint text used for the button that copies the drop-off link URL to their computer's clipboard. |
To send the files to someone else, send them this link %1, or else the Claim ID & Passcode: |
Used in the view of a drop-off available to logged-in users. It is the text immediately above the text box that gives the pick-up link, Claim ID and Passcode. %1 is replaced with the HTML for the "Copy link to clipboard" button. |
A \"%1\" in the \"%2\" column cannot guarantee that any file has been completely downloaded successfully. |
Used in the first line of the tooltip shown when a user hovers over the information icon in the heading of the "Picked up" column in a list of drop-offs. %1 is replaced with a graphical "tick" icon. %2 is replaced with the translation of "Picked up". |
But a \"%1\" does mean it has not been downloaded successfully. |
Used in the second line of the tooltip shown when a user hovers over the information icon in the heading of the "Picked up" column in a list of drop-offs. %1 is replaced with a graphical "cross" icon. |